My Mission

As an Academic Counselor at the University of Phoenix, I assisted adult students in achieving their educational goals from start to finish. Balancing college with work was challenging and costly for them. A common sentiment among all my students was a wish that they had started their education earlier in life and had discovered some way to do it debt-free.
As my own children grew, I realized the importance of preparing them for their future and helping them live debt-free. As I researched, I discovered that community college was free for High Schoolers in States like California. How was everyone not taking advantage of this program?? Answer- the program was confusing and had little resources to help. Using my skills as an Academic Counselor, I was able to navigate and excel at the program. I ensured my children started early and enrolled in the right classes—ones where they could succeed and transfer credits to the university of their choice in the future. Now it is my mission to help other students succeed.
Raising Cost of Higher Education

A year of total college expenses for students living on campus averages $36,440, or about $146,000 over four years.
With College Now, students save time, money and are better prepared for future college success.